Saturday, July 27, 2024


Ladies finger - White curry


 A very simple dish which keeps all the goodness of the vegetable.





                            Ladies finger White curry 


Ladies finger 300 Gms
Green chillies 4
Onion 1 small
Turmeric powder ½ teaspoon
Milk ½ cup
Lime juice 2 teaspoon
Water 1 cup


Clean and cut ladies finger into 1½ inch pieces. Discard the tail end and stalk end.

In a pan place the ladies finger, green chillies split lengthwise, diced onion, turmeric powder, salt and one cup water and bring to boil.

The ladies finger cook quickly.

If they do not turn soft and the water has evaporated add little more water and cook until they turn soft.

When soft add the milk and boil again.

Do not stir just shake the pot.

Remove from fire and add lime juice and let it rest. Needs about 15 minutes in all.

Serves about 6 people.