Saturday, July 27, 2024


Microwave Dishes - Introduction

In a microwave cooker, it is possible to cook anything except frying in oil, boiling eggs with shell on and heating food or liquids in sealed containers. We can also recreate some of the Yarlpanam dishes but truly you will need to use the conventional cooker to some part of the cooking. Once that part is done, cooking in microwave cooker is easy and does not need regular supervision as in the conventional cooker. There is also no fear of sticking to the bottom of the cooking dish. This is an advantage for busy people.

In these recipes, if you prefer you can use readymade curry paste which is easily available in all super markets instead of roasted curry powder. Like all spice mixtures and powders you have to select the correct paste and try out with recommended quantity and then adjust measurements according to your taste. Some of you may find the curry paste not hot enough so we have added green chillies in some recipes and you can omit them if you do not like them. In all the recipes described, all the ingredients are available in supermarkets in the West, one do not have to run to any specialist shops. This is an advantage for people who do not have easy access to specialist shops.

We had not been very successful in cooking any vegetable curries in the microwave cooker so none are described here but we give you a sample of other dishes that can be cooked in a microwave. Please go to Microwave dishes section to see the recipes. You must remember that this is only guidance and you have to experiment on these lines and get the quantity correct according to your taste.