Saturday, July 27, 2024


Microwave Buriyani Dishes

Meat Buriyani

This is possible with a bit of care and devotion. This preparation involves the conventional cooker and the microwave cooker as well.


Basmati rice 2 cups
Saffron 2 pinches
Pilau rice seasoning 2 teaspoon heaped - available in all supermarkets
Water 2 cups

Meat 250 Gms - can be lamb or chicken
Readymade Buriyani paste 2 tablespoons
Garlic 4 cloves
Onions 1 large and 1 medium.
Ginger 1 inch long piece
Green chillies 4
Yogurt 3 tablespoon
Butter 50 Gms
Salt to taste
Cashew nuts ½ cup - roasted


Soak the saffron in one tablespoon hot water.

Soak rice in water, wash and drain well using a sieve.

In a microwave dish add the rice, saffron water, water, ghee, and the pilau rice seasoning.

Stir and cook in low heat for 10 minutes or until all the water has been absorbed.

This will give half cooked rice.

Clean and cut meat into pieces - if it is chicken bigger pieces are acceptable or if it is lamb, 2 inch cubes are fine.

Cut the large onion into pieces and dice small onion into small pieces.

In a grinder, grind the big onions pieces, ginger and garlic and green chillies to a paste and keep separately.

In a pan on a conventional cooker, fry the small onions pieces until golden and add the garlic ginger onion chilli paste and the buriyani paste to it and mix well and heat for 2 minutes.

In a microwaveable dish, empty the contents of this pan, add the meat, yoghurt, salt, and cook in low heat until the meat is tender.

Stir once after 8 minutes.

Cooking time will vary with the kind of meat - chicken will cook quicker.

In a baking dish spread some butter and place a layer of rice.

Then spoon out a layer of the meat curry.

Layer out the rice and meat curry in layers until all these are exhausted.

Cover the dish with baking foil and cook in an oven in medium heat (180 C) for one hour or until the rice is well cooked

If not add some hot water and continue to cook until rice is cooked.

Remove from the oven and rest for 10 minutes.

Sprinkle the cadju nut pieces on top.