Saturday, July 27, 2024


Aubergines Sambal 

This is a delicious dish made with cooked aubergines, onions, green chillies and milk or yoghurt just like salad.


Aubergines - thin slender variety is better as they will get cooked easily 200 Gms
Onions 1 large
Green chillies 3
Milk or Yoghurt 1 cup
Lime juice 1 teaspoon


In Yarlpanam, the aubergines were cooked by placing them on red hot firewood and rotating them as they get cooked.

You can also cook this in a microwave cooker or a hot oven to get the same effect.

If it is a microwave cooker then place the aubergine on a plate and cook in medium heat until it becomes soft.

If it is a conventional oven, place the aubergine on an oven proof dish and heat at 180 degrees C for about 20 minutes or until it is soft.

When cooked and soft leave it to cool and go to the next step.

When cool peel the skin off carefully and place the soft interior in a dish.

Beat this with a fork to mince it well. You could use a liquidizer as well.

Chop the onion and green chillies into small pieces.

Add these with salt to the mashed aubergines and mix.

Add 2 to 3 tablespoon of yoghurt and lime juice and mix well.

Keep in the fridge until used.