Saturday, July 27, 2024


Ash Plantain Varai 


Ash plantain 200 Gms
Turmeric powder ½ teaspoon
Charakku powder 2 teaspoon
Onions 1 medium
Dry chillies 3
Scrapped Coconut ½ cup


Skin and cut ash plantain into cubes and boil them in water with turmeric powder until soft.

Drain mash coarsely.

Add to this, the charakku powder, salt and coconut scrapings and mix well into a good mixture.

In a hot pan in 1 tablespoon oil, fry diced onions and chopped dry chillies until onions are soft.

Add the mixture ash plantain and stir constantly until all well mixed and to a loose consistency.

Remove from fire.