Saturday, July 27, 2024


Poonthy Laddu


Boonthy is a sweet dish as opposed to Karapoonthy which is a savoury dish.


Gram flour - 2 cups
Sugar 1 cups
Kesari powder 1 pinch
Colouring - Yellow
Cadju 15 nuts
Plums 1 tablespoon
Cardamom powder 1 pinch


Cut cadju into small pieces and dry roast this until golden.

To make boonthy, add to the gram flour, kesari powder, water and mix to a thick runny mix - make sure there are no lumps.

Pour this mixture through a spoon with holes (draining spoon) directly into boiling oil in a pan and fry.

Do not let it become crispy. Set aside.

Make sugar syrup, add colouring, roasted cadju, plums, cardamom powder and boonthy and stir well to form a well blended mixture.

When able to handle the heat, make firm lime sized balls with hands.