Saturday, July 27, 2024







Although Sundal is included in the snack group, it is eaten for dinner as a complete meal by some people. This will be Very healthy option indeed.


Whole grams - Bengal gram or brown chick peas 300 Gms
Onion medium 1
Dry chillies 3
Mustard seeds1/2 teaspoons
Coconut cut pieces ½ cup
Salt to taste
Oil 1 tablespoons


Soak the gram in water overnight or for 12 hours.

Wash and drain the gram and boil in fresh water until gram is soft.

Add salt and boil for another 4 minutes.

Once cooked, drain off the water and keep warm. 

In a pan, fry mustard seeds in little oil until they pop, add diced onion, cut dry chillies and fry until onion is golden colour.

When ready add the cooked gram and coconut pieces to this and mix well.

Remove from heat and serve.

For a healthy option omit garnishing, just cook the gram and eat as is.

Another easier way to make this dish:

You can buy ready cooked chick peas in cans and these are also suitable.

Open the can and drain the contents and wash well cleaning most of the loose skin.

Then as before garnish and keep tossing until all the gram is warm.