Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fried prawns


                              Fried Prawns



Fresh raw prawns 500 Gms
Onions 2 large
Chilli powder 1 tablespoons
Turmeric powder ½ teaspoons
Salt to taste


Remove shell and heads, clean and wash prawns.

Mix the prawns with salt, turmeric powder and set aside for 15 minutes.

In the mean time, slice onions thinly.

Heat the frying pan and fry the onions in oil until soft.

Drain and remove the onions and save.

In the same pan in hot oil, fry the prawns for 3 minutes without stirring.

Then stir and fry further until prawns are soft and firm.

Now add the fried onions and chilli powder and salt if necessary and fry in low heat further until onions have become crispy.

Stir intermittently. Drain from oil and serve.


1) Some people do not add onion slices but just fry the prawns with turmeric powder, chilli powder and salt in oil.

2) Still some others fry the prawns first until firm and then add the sliced onions and fry further. When the onions are soft add the chilli, turmeric powders and salt and mix and fry until crispier. Here the timing must be correct else prawns or onions may be fried too much.