Saturday, July 27, 2024

Prawn Cutlets


Raw shelled prawns 200 Gms
Onions 1 medium
Potato 100 Gms
Eggs 3
Green Chillies 3
Turmeric powder ½ teaspoon
Salt to taste
Bread crumbs
Oil for frying


Dice onions and cut green chillies into small pieces.

Separate the egg white and yolk and save both.

Clean and wash prawns, mix with turmeric powder, salt and cook them in little water until they are soft and firm, do not overcook.

Grind this to a coarse consistency or cut into very small pieces.

Peel, clean and cut potato into cubes, boil in water and mash finely.

In a pan with little oil, fry diced onions until golden and add chopped green chillies and fry until chillies are soft.

Add the ground prawn, the egg yolk, stir and cook until the egg is well cooked.

Add potato mash and stir and mix well. Add salt if necessary. Set aside to cool.

Beat the egg white until it froths.

Make lime sized balls out of the prawn mixture, compress well and dip these in the egg white, coat with bread crumbs.

Deep fry in hot oil until crumbs are golden brown.

Drain and remove. Serve hot.

Serve with: on its own or with sauce or with rice and curry.