Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fried Fish curry

This dish has a different taste and flavour from the fish curry.


Fish 500 Gms - Tuna, salmon, Mullet etc.
Onions 2 medium
Curry powder 2 tablespoons - not roasted
Garlic 5 clove
Green chillies 4
Tamarind paste ½ teaspoons
Chilli powder 1tablespoons
Turmeric powder ½ teaspoons
Coconut milk 1 cup
Salt to taste
Oil for frying


First fry the fish as in fried fish recipe and save this without any oil.

Grind the one onion, garlic, curry powder, tamarind paste and salt with little water in a grinder to a smooth paste.

Dice other onion and cut green chillies length wise into two.

In a pan, place the ground paste, 2 tablespoons of diced onions, cut green chillies and 1 cup water and slowly bring to boil on a low heat.

Wait until the curry powder is cooked and the liquid is reduced to half. Now add the fried fish and the milk, bring to boil.

Simmer on low fire until gravy thickens to your liking.

Shake the pan gently as the gravy thickens.

Serve with: rice dishes