Saturday, July 27, 2024

Egg Curry


Egg Curry can be made in three different ways and each has its own method and taste.


Method 1

In this method this curry is made with uncooked eggs which get cooked in the curry sauce.


Eggs 3
Garlic 3 cloves
Fennel seeds 1 teaspoon
Cinnamon 1 inch
Cardamon seeds from 2 pods
Ginger ½ inch
Coconut scarped 1 cup
Gram dhal split 2 tablespoons
Tomatoes 1 medium
Onion 1 small
Mustard seeds ½ teaspoon
Curry leaves 5
Tamarind paste 1 teaspoon
Turmeric powder ½ teaspoon
Salt to taste
Chilli powder 1 teaspoon
Oil 2 tablespoons


Grind Garlic, Fennel seeds, Cinnamon, Cardamon Seeds and Ginger to a paste and then add coconut scrapings, gram dhal and tomatoes and grind all together to a paste.

Dice onion into small pieces.

In a pan heat oil and add mustard seeds and wait until these pop.

Add curry leaves, diced onions and the paste, stir for 2 minutes and one cup water and bring to boil.

Now add tamarind, turmeric powder, salt, chilli powder, and boil until gravy becomes thick.

Remove ½ of this mixture and save.

Add little more water to the rest in pan and heat in low fire.

Once boiled, break eggs gently into this gravy one by one and close pan.

Do not stir.

Open pan after few minutes and wait for eggs to be cooked and now add the saved gravy to this gently.

Allow to simmer on low fire for 3 minutes.

Remove from fire and it is ready to eat.


Method 2

This dish is made with hard boiled eggs.


Eggs 4
Onion 1 medium
Green Chillies 3
Garlic 3 cloves
Curry leaves 5
Roasted Curry powder 1 tablespoons - adjust for hotness
Coconut milk or Milk 2 cups
Fennel seeds 1 teaspoon
Tomatoes 2 medium
Lemon juice 2tsp
Oil 2 tablespoons


Hard boil eggs and shell them and set aside.

In a pan heat oil and fry fennel seeds until they start to pop, add diced onions, curry leaves and fry until onions soften and turn golden.

Add finely chopped garlic cloves and chopped green chillies and fry until it become soft.

Add 1 cup water, curry powder, salt and sliced tomatoes and bring to boil slowly.

Now add coconut milk or milk and stir and let it boil gently over a small flame and cook for about ten minutes or until raw smell of curry powder disappears.

Then place the hard boiled eggs and simmer for five minutes.

Add lemon juice and remove from fire.


Method 3

This dish is made with egg made into an omelette and has a different taste.


Eggs 3
Onions 2 medium
Chilli powder 1 teaspoon
Turmeric powder ½ teaspoon
Green Chillies 3
Garlic 3 cloves
Curry leaves 5
Roasted Curry powder 1 tablespoons - adjust for hotness
Coconut milk or Milk 2 cups
Fennel seeds 1 teaspoon
Tamarind paste ½ teaspoon
Oil 4 tablespoons


First make the omelette

Dice one onion and fry them in little oil until they are soft.

In a dish break the eggs, add salt, chilli powder, turmeric powder and beat well.

Add fried onions and mix.

In a frying pan, heat some oil and when hot, reduce heat to medium and pour this mixture and spread to even thickness.

When cooked on one side, gently turn over and cook further until done.

Remove and place on a plate and cut into 2 inch squares and set aside.

In a pan heat oil and fry fennel seeds until they start to pop, add diced onions (one onion), curry leaves and fry until onions soften and turn golden.

Add finely chopped garlic cloves and chopped green chillies and fry until it become soft.

Add 1 cup water, curry powder, salt, tamarind paste and bring to boil slowly and simmer until gravy is halved.

Now add coconut milk or milk and stir and let it boil gently over a low flame.

Place the omelette pieces in the gravy and simmer for five minutes.