Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fried Crabs

This is a delicious dish made with small crabs and deep fried in oil. The crab pieces are small so they are edible with their bones.


Crabs small 10 numbers
Chilli powder 3 teaspoons
Turmeric powder ½ Teaspoon
Onion 1 medium
Curry leaves 10
Salt to taste
Oil for frying


Clean and wash all the crabs. Break the thin ends of the legs and keep the thick ends with the body part.

Break the crabs into two pieces in the middle

In a dish, mix the chilli powder, turmeric powder and salt into a paste adding little water.

Add the crab pieces into the chilli paste and mix well so each piece of crab has been smeared with the paste well.

Deep fry these crab pieces in oil and drain and remove.

Slice the onion and cut the curry leaves into two.

In a clean hot pan fry the onions and curry leaves until onions are golden.

Add the fried onion and curry leaves to the fried crab pieces and toss well.

Leave this to rest for 5 minutes before eating.