Saturday, July 27, 2024

Crab Curry (Shell on)


               Crab Curry - Shell On

This dish can be done with fresh raw crabs or cooked whole crabs. Cooking with fresh raw crabs gives a much tastier dish. Frozen uncooked crabs are available in the West in Indian and Sri Lankan shops.

This dish requires a large wide mouthed pan to cook and a lid to suit it.


Crabs 4 large
Onions 2 large
Green chillies 4
Roasted curry powder 3 tablespoons
Curry leaves 10
Fennel seeds 1 teaspoon
Coconut milk or milk 3 cups
Lemon juice 2 tablespoons
Salt to taste
Oil 2 tablespoons
Ginger 1 inch piece
Water 2 cups
Murungai leaves fresh if available 1 cup


Dice onions, cut green chillies into small pieces and cut ginger into very small pieces.

Clean and divide the crabs into four pieces each. Keep the claws on.

In a large pan dry roast the fennel seeds until they turn golden, add oil and add the diced onions and fry until onions turn golden and now add the curry leaves and fry for a minute.

Add the Murungai leaves if available, washes and cleaned to this pot.

Now add the crab pieces, curry powder, salt and the water and cover and let it cook for 5 to 8 minutes.

Stir and add the milk and simmer in low fire until the liquid is reduced to half.

Add the lime juice and remove from fire.

The gravy should have reduced to a thick consistency.

Serve with: Any rice dishes