Saturday, July 27, 2024


Kothu Roti 


Kothu roti is a Tamil word, Kothu meaning ‘chopped' in Tamil and seemed to have originated in Batticaloa in the Eastern province. This was mainly popular among Malay community but now it has spread all over the country. Kothu roti was used to be a cheap take away meal for lower classes but now has become almost a staple diet for the upper classes as well in Sri Lanka. It has become a well recognised meal everywhere and it is very popular among the migrant population from Sri Lanka in most countries.

Kothu roti is made from Gothamba roti and vegetables, eggs, or meat and various spices. It is a delicious meal generally eaten at dinner time. Apart from the commonest form of Kothu with meat, eggs or vegetables a newer variety with cheese has been introduced.

Traditional way to make a Kothu is to use a preheated iron skillet or a heavy cast iron griddle specific for this purpose. The Gothamba roti is cut or chopped with the use of two metal blades on wooden handles held on both hands on this sheet or skillet. The clashing of metal blades and the skillet creates a very distinctive musical sound which kind of announces the making of this Kothu to the passers-by.

This can be made using Parotta and that is how this is made in South India where Parotta is popular as with Gothamba roti in Sri Lanka. The ingredients and method are the same as for Kothu roti using Gothamba roti.

Recipe for the Egg Kothu Roti

We cannot use the traditional method with skillet and blades to chop up the roti but can come close to it by using a wok and previously chopped roti. So we describe this method;


Gothamba roti 2
Eggs 2
Green Chillies 3
Onion 1 medium
Salt to taste
Oil 1 tablespoon
Curry leaves 10 leaves


On a chopping board, chop up the roti into small pieces with a knife.

Chop the onion into small pieces.

Cut green chillies into small pieces.

In a wok on low heat, spread the oil and when hot fry the onion until soft.

Add the chilli pieces and curry leaves and stir.

Now break the eggs into a bowl and add salt and beat lightly.

Add this egg mixture to the wok and stir and scramble the eggs until the eggs are half cooked.

Add the chopped roti pieces and keep stirring and mixing until the mixture is homogeneous and the eggs are cooked.

It takes approximately 5 minutes.

This is basic Kothu for any other additions.

For a meat or vegetable Kothu:

You will need previously made chicken (boneless) or mutton or beef curry (fairly dry curry), the amount to suit your taste usually about one or two cups.

You can also use vegetarian mix curry, fairly dry and the amount as above for meat curry.

In the above process of basic Kothu, when the eggs had been scrambled and the chopped roti added, add either meat curry or vegetarian curry and stir to a very homogeneous mixture. It takes about 5 minutes to finish.

Some people add lime juice at the end for additional taste.

Serve with: This does not require any additions, edible on its own.