Saturday, July 27, 2024


Lamb Buriyani


                                                 Lamb Buriyani


Basmati rice 2 cups
Garlic 4 cloves
Onions 2 large
Ginger 1 inch long piece
Green chillies 4
Lamb 250 Gms
Yogurt 3 tablespoon
Turmeric powder ¼ teaspoon
Saffron 2 pinches
Butter 50 Gms
Salt to taste
Water 4 cups
Cashew nuts ½ cup
Buriyani Powder 2 tablespoon OR commercially available Buriyani powder or paste


Soak saffron threads in one tablespoon of hot water for 10 minutes.

Soak the rice in water for 10 minutes and wash well and drain.

Chop one onion into small pieces and fry in oil until crispy and set aside for later use.

Dice the other onion into small pieces

Clean, Wash and cut lamb into 1 inch cubes.

In a grinder, grind the some of the onions, ginger and garlic and green chillies to a paste and keep separately.

In a pan fry rest of the onions until golden and add the garlic ginger onion chilli paste to it and mix well and continue to fry.

Now add the meat, yoghurt, salt, turmeric powder, Buriyani powder and cook in low heat until the meat is tender.

Now cook the rice in a pot with water for six minutes or until half cooked and drain the water.

In a baking dish spread some fried onions at the bottom and then place the cooked meat curry and then top up with the partially cooked rice, saffron water, butter, cashew nuts and cover the dish with baking foil.

Cook in a medium hot oven (about 180 C) for one hour or until the rice is well cooked.

Remove from the oven and rest for 10 minutes.

Make sure the rice is well cooked.

Remove the foil cover and stir well all the contents.

Serve while hot.

Serve with: Sliced onions, fried aubergines and sliced hard boiled eggs.


Lamb Buriyani - Another method


Lamb 450 Gms
Onions 2 large
Fennel seeds 2teaspoons
Curry leaves few
Tomato 2
Garlic 4 cloves
Ginger 2 inch piece
Cloves 6
Saffron 2 pinches
Samba rice or Basmati rice 4 cups
Oil 2 tablespoons
Salt to taste
Lime juice 2 tablespoons
Margarine 2 tablespoon
Cadju nuts 3 tablespoons
Buriyani powder either 2 tablespoon or readymade powder or paste according to instruction on packet


In a frying pan dry roast the cadju nuts and when done remove and cut each into small pieces.

In a frying pan, dry roast the cinnamon, cloves and cardamon and grind them to a fine powder.

Dice the onion into small pieces. Cut tomato into small pieces.

Grind garlic, green chillies and ginger into a paste.

Clean and cut lamb into about one to two inch cubes.

In a cooking pot, fry some onion in oil and add the garlic ginger paste, ground cinnamon powder, mutton pieces, salt, Tomato pieces, and half cup water and cook in low fire until the meat is cooked.

While the meat is cooking, soak the saffron threads in a tablespoon of hot water.

Soak the rice in water for 15 minutes.

When meat is cooked, remove from fire and add the lime juice and leave it aside for few minutes.

Remove the mutton pieces from the gravy and keep separately.

Now cook the rice; in a cooking pot or rice cooker, place the washed rice.

Make up 3 ½ cups of liquid by mixing the lamb gravy, saffron liquid and water in a jar

Add this liquid to the rice and cook in low heat until all the liquid has been absorbed.

Reduce the heat still to a minimum and add the lamb pieces and the margarine to the cooked rice and stir well.

Keep stirring to avoid sticking to bottom and check the rice if cooked, else add little more water and cook.

When done, remove from fire and rest.

Sprinkle the cadju pieces on top and serve hot.

Serve with: Sliced onions, fried aubergines and sliced hard boiled eggs.

Related article: Microwave Buriyani dishes